The IRR Rehabilitations Institute opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00
The IRR Rehabilitations Institute opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00
Rehabilitation areas
Sports Medicine Institute
Learn about all of the center’s specialist visits
Analgesic therapy is a specialist service aimed at relieving the patient of painful symptoms.
Pain can be acute or chronic, cancerous or not.
There are pharmacological, physiotherapeutic or invasive type therapies.
In medicine, especially in orthopaedics, infiltrations (infiltrative therapy) are defined as drug injections (such as hyaluronic acid, local anaesthetics, cortisone, etc.) or biological solutions such as, for example, platelet growth factors or stem cells.
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Mesotherapy, also called Intra Dermal Therapy (IDT), is a drug therapy consisting in the administration of minimal doses of drugs to a skin layer called dermis. Read more
It is not possible to provide a detailed index of the acupuncture pathologies and the therapeutic results obtained in each of them, since it is often the condition of the individual patients and their physiological recovery capabilities to determine the results of therapy, the effects of which at times can be definitive or only partial or disappointing.
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L’Istituto IRR osserva il seguente orario:
dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:00 alle 20:00
Sabato dalle 8:00 alle 13:00
Corso Francia 104/3, Torino
Telefono: 0113999222
I.R.R. – CIDIMU S.p.A.
Istituto delle Riabilitazioni Riba – CIDIMU S.p.a
Orari di apertura
L’Istituto IRR osserva il seguente orario:
dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.00 alle 20.00
Sede operativa Francia 104/3, 10143 Torino
Sede legale
Via Legnano 23, 10128 Torino
P.IVA e C.F. 03966780011
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