The IRR Rehabilitations Institute opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00
The IRR Rehabilitations Institute opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00
Rehabilitation areas
Sports Medicine Institute
Learn about all of the center’s specialist visits
Vascular Rehabilitation (RV) is the branch of physiotherapy that aims to prevent, treat and contain circulatory damage caused by predispositions or pathologies affecting the peripheral surrounding system: we are therefore talking about the arterial, venous and lymphatic system.
The physiotherapist’s approach varies according to the problems in question and makes use of different techniques such as massage, passive and active exercise, vascular gymnastics in water, lymph drainage and lymph bandage, evaluation and suggestions for use of elastic compression stockings.
Correct diagnostics of the vascular problem is important, which will also be monitored during physiotherapy and at the end of the cycle of sessions.
Lymphatic drainage or lymph drainage is a specific rehabilitation method with great potential and applications in various fields of medicine.
The rehabilitation of lower limb arterial disease takes into account the lesion level, the bilateral or monolateral nature, the individual patient’s ability.
L’Istituto IRR osserva il seguente orario:
dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:00 alle 20:00
Sabato dalle 8:00 alle 13:00
Corso Francia 104/3, Torino
Telefono: 0113999222
I.R.R. – CIDIMU S.p.A.
Istituto delle Riabilitazioni Riba – CIDIMU S.p.a
Orari di apertura
L’Istituto IRR osserva il seguente orario:
dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.00 alle 20.00
Sede operativa Francia 104/3, 10143 Torino
Sede legale
Via Legnano 23, 10128 Torino
P.IVA e C.F. 03966780011
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