The IRR Rehabilitations Institute opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00

Neurologic rehabilitation

Individual neuromuscular re-education refers to the set of neuromuscular activation forms that are most suitable in cases of debilitating neurological damage, in order to recover or seek alternative functional responses. This is achieved by the appropriate choice of manoeuvres that lead to a specific stimulation of ‘peripheral receptors’ (sense organs able to pick up the external stimuli and transfer them to the nerve centres).


This therapy is indicated in the following cases of injury of the first/second motor neuron:

Stroke is the most frequent neurological disease, in which the brain, following the closure or rupture of an artery, no longer receives blood (ischemia) or is flooded with extravasated blood from a ruptured artery (hemorrhage). There are therefore two types of stroke: ischemic (due to the closure of a cerebral artery) or haemorrhagic (due to the rupture of a cerebral artery).

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease, with a slow but progressive evolution, which mainly involves some functions such as the control of movements and balance. The disease is part of a group of pathologies defined as “Movement Disorders” and among these it is the most frequent.

They are a heterogeneous group of pathologies affecting the spinal cord, characterized by acute or subacute dysfunction of the following functions:

  • motor (sublesional para or tetraplegia);
  • sensitive (with a sensitive level!);
  • neurovegetative: bladder dysfunction (retention or incontinence)
    and rectal, with or without impaired perineal sensation.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease of adulthood, determined by the loss of spinal, bulbar and cortical motor neurons, which leads to paralysis of voluntary muscles up to involving even the respiratory ones.

Multiple sclerosis (MS), or multiple sclerosis, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system characterized by the presence of lesions (or plaques) containing different types of white blood cells that cause the loss of the protective shield of nerve cells (myelin) throughout the central nervous system.

Ataxia (from the Greek ataxiā = disorder) is a disorder consisting in the lack of muscle coordination which makes it difficult to perform voluntary movements.

By this word is meant the inflammatory affection of several nerves simultaneously. It can have, schematically, two large groups of causes: infections and intoxications.

The purpose of therapy is to allow the patient with neural damage to achieve, as far as possible, the recovery of personal independence in performing normal daily activities.

Example of proprioceptive exercises

A proprioceptive exercise is a full neuro-stimulation. The proprioceptive exercise not only completes the comprehensive restoration of limb functions, but it also avoids relapses.